Thursday, February 28, 2008

Live in eworld and have fun with it!

Week 2: Introduction to blogs

I had one thing to confess years ago - I cannot live without Google. Now I guess I have more things to be unhappy live without. You guessed it! All these blogs and photbuckets I often pay my visits. They are part of my entertainment and amusement. To read news on internet is so quick and easy. I could have told my mom in Shanghai some local news there she hasn't heard of. I can still recall quite few years back I used internet to dial up my girlfriend's phone in US. So we had this I type on computer while she talk on the phone chat. It was so interesting. Then things got easier with camera mobile phone came out. All these new technology products made our life more colorful. To keep up with it is indeed a lifelong learning experience. Just like when first time we learnt to use computer, even so many softwares are named made for idiot we still at time strugglled to figure it out. So it's never too late to learn and most important, KEEPING UP with your learning.

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